
平常無聊的時候,什麼都不想做,只想拿本書來看看。不但可以增進一些知識,也可以讓我進入到另一個世界沉澱一下。以前買書都是去書局逛,現在除了沒有時間逛,也沒有精神。所以網路書局變成了我買書的最佳選擇,實在是快又方便。今天看到了一本書Soil and Fertilizer- Concepts and Practice ,看了一下簡介,內容挺有意思的。而且Soil and Fertilizer- Concepts and Practice 看起來銷售還不錯喔,應該滿值得買回來看。趁著最近比較有空,趕緊買Soil and Fertilizer- Concepts and Practice 買回來看看。希望不會讓我失望。如果和我一樣對Soil and Fertilizer- Concepts and Practice有興趣的朋友,也提供給你們網頁參考看看喔。

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Agriculture builds upon the integration of crops and the environment, with which its yield depends strongly on a healthy soil foundation. With that in mind, the knowledge of the soil and fertilizer is crucial to maintaining an environment with optimal nutrients, water and oxygen for crop production. Soil is one of human’s precious resources, the protection and nurturing of our soil is thus an integral part of sustainable development.

Effective soil management is considered not only a technology, but also an art. In practice, to make use the full potential of the land, the management strategies need to take account of the differences and characteristics of the soil, plant and climate that are unique to each geographical location. Such an approach is increasingly more important nowadays because of the increasing loss of cultivable land and need of high quality agricultural products.

This book is a translation of SOIL AND FERTILIZER (in Chinese, 9th edition, 2010). This is based on my first-hand experiences in research and field application over the past 40 years. In addition, many materials also come from up-to-date textbooks and research articles that I came across during my teaching career. I consider this the state of the art reference book for those who are interested in the field of soil and fertilizer. The book emphasizes on practical skills in real-world applications, supplemented with theoretical, that allow the readers to efficiently put theory into practice.

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  • 作者: 楊秋忠/主編
  • 原文作者:Chiu-Chung Young
  • 出版社:Airiti Press Inc.
  • 出版日期:2014/08/01
  • 語言:英文

Soil and Fertilizer- Concepts and Practice



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